רשימת תבניות

סינון באמצעות:


תכונות מיוחדות


Developry Lite

מאת Developry

גרסה: 1.1.3

עדכון אחרון: 15 באפריל 2024

התקנות פעילות: 30+

גרסת וורדפרס: 5.9 ומעלה

גרסת PHP: ‏ 7.4 ומעלה

אתר הבית

Developry Lite gives you unparalleled versatility as a customizable Bootstrap starter theme, using 25+ distinct styles curated from Bootswatch. It offers not only the default theme support but also custom theme options available via the 'Appearance > Customize > Theme Options' panel. You have the ability to choose from over 25 custom theme styles, fluid/fixed containers, sidebar position management and cover image visibility. Page title, header style and search form display toggles.A starter content theme support is utilized with added default posts/pages/menus/widgets/etc. which gives you perfect starting point for your freshly installed website. The theme can be easily customized using Bootstrap classes and also extended with custom CSS because of its minimal use of styles. It comes with a Developry Google Fonts plugin which will help you to change not only your overall site fonts but also allow you to change font styles within the Classic Editor for inidividual posts and pages. You can learn more and check out the documentation here https://krasenslavov.com/themes/developry-lite


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