תוסף זה לא נבדק ב-3 הגרסאות הראשיות האחרונות של וורדפרס. ייתכן והתוסף כבר לא מתוחזק או נתמך על ידי יוצריו, וייתכן שיהיו לו בעיות תאימות בגרסות וורדפרס עדכניות יותר.

WP Html Page Sitemap



This is simple and light weighted plugin to display page links in a single page and go to setting and click option "HTML Site Map" and select post type which you wont to show in sitemap. Argument like:



  • Simple exameple.


  • Simple exameple with argument.

[SITEMAP id="" class="" child_of="" authors="" date_format="" depth="" echo="" exclude="" include="" link_after="" link_before="" post_type="" post_status="" show_date="" sort_column="" title_li="" ]

Parameter Description:

  • 'id': Adds id to <ul> like <ul id="id">
  • 'class': Adds classes to <ul> like <ul class="clesses">
  • 'clield_of': Display only the sub-pages of a single page by ID. Default 0 (all pages).
  • 'authors': (string) Comma-separated list of author IDs. Default empty (all authors).
  • date_format': (string) PHP date format to use for the listed pages. Relies on the 'show_date' parameter. Default is the value of 'date_format' option.
  • 'depth': (int) Number of levels in the hierarchy of pages to include in the generated list. Accepts -1 (any depth), 0 (all pages), 1 (top-level pages only), and n (pages to the given n depth). Default 0.
  • 'echo': (bool) Whether or not to echo the list of pages. Default true.
  • 'exclude': (string) Comma-separated list of page IDs to exclude.
  • 'include': (array) Comma-separated list of page IDs to include.
  • 'link_after': (string) Text or HTML to follow the page link label. Default null.
  • 'link_before': (string) Text or HTML to precede the page link label. Default null.
  • 'post_type': (string) Post type to query for. Default 'page'.
  • 'post_status': (string) Comma-separated list of post statuses to include. Default 'publish'.
  • 'show_date': (string) Whether to display the page publish or modified date for each page. Accepts 'modified' or any other value. An empty value hides the date.
  • 'sort_column': (string) Comma-separated list of column names to sort the pages by. Accepts 'post_author', 'post_date', 'post_title', 'post_name', 'post_modified', 'post_modified_gmt', 'menu_order', 'post_parent', 'ID', 'rand', or 'comment_count'. Default 'post_title'.
  • 'title_li': (string) List heading. Passing a null or empty value will result in no heading, and the list will not be wrapped with unordered list <ul> tags. Default 'Pages'.

צילומי מסך

  • Page list view
  • Site map option page.


Plugin easy to install.


  • Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  • Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
  • Create a page.
  • Past these shortcode in to page.

שאלות נפוצות

Installation Instructions

Plugin easy to install.


  • Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  • Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
  • Create a page.
  • Past these shortcode in to page.
We can use custom post type and post in sitemap

Yes, Go to Setting and click on "HTML Site Map" and checked CPT and post which you wont to list in site map.

We can exclude post or page from site map

Yes, Put comma(,) separated post and page id in Field "Exclude post from site map".


קראו את כל 2 הסקירות


"WP Html Page Sitemap" הוא תוסף קוד פתוח. האנשים הבאים תרמו ליצירת התוסף הזה.


ניתן לתרגם את "WP Html Page Sitemap" לשפה שלך.

מעוניינים בפיתוח?

עיינו בקוד, ראו את הקוד ב-SVN repository, או הירשמו ללוג פיתוח באמצעות RSS.



  • Include all post type in site map.


  • new version update


  • First stable release.