תגית: memory limit
Server IP & Memory Usage Display
(40 דרוגים)Show the memory limit, current memory usage and IP address in the admin footer.
Memory Usage, Memory Limit, PHP and Server Memory Health Check and Provide Suggestions
(28 דרוגים)WPmemory Check High Memory Usage, Memory Limit, PHP Memory, hardware memory, errors & show result in Site Health Page & Provide Suggestions.
Memory Bump
(1 דרוגים)If you are trying to update to WordPress 3.0 and you are frozen on "Downloading…" or seeing "Fatal error: Allowed memory size exhaust …
(1 דרוגים)A WordPress plugin providing a modular assortment of simple and useful features.
My Server Info
(0 דרוגים)My Server Info displays key server information, including PHP Version, WP Memory Limit, PHP Execution Time, and Max Input Vars, in the WordPress panel