Shortcode Preview Block


Normal WordPress gutenberg block do not show How the shortcode will output frontside, so we have created a similar gutenberg block which can preview the shortcode result on editor side.


תוסף זה מספק בלוק 1.

  • Shortcode Preview Shows preview of any shortcode on editor side. It renders shortcode in the editor side so editor does not need to visit front side to check how it will look on frontside.


14 בינואר 2021
It makes creating layout for complex pages and e.g. shortcodes for images referenced from DAM much easier!
12 באוגוסט 2020 1 reply
Tested with NEXTGEN Gallery shortcodes that insert a pic…if I do "float right", it doesn't wrap text around this block nor does it centre if I float center. It shows a good preview that the regular editor doesn't, but it also means it is embedded within a block with extra controls on it. P.
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