תוסף זה לא נבדק ב-3 הגרסאות הראשיות האחרונות של וורדפרס. ייתכן והתוסף כבר לא מתוחזק או נתמך על ידי יוצריו, וייתכן שיהיו לו בעיות תאימות בגרסות וורדפרס עדכניות יותר.

Location for WP Event Manager


Requires WordPress Version at least: 4.1

Adds to the event a description of the location in which the event takes place

Support Policy

I will happily patch any confirmed bugs with this plugin, however, I will not offer support for:

  1. Customisations of this plugin or any plugins it relies upon
  2. Conflicts with "premium" themes from ThemeForest and similar marketplaces (due to bad practice and not being readily available to test)
  3. CSS Styling (this is customisation work)

If you need help with customisation you will need to find and hire a developer team for making the changes.


To install this plugin, please refer to the guide here: https://codex.wordpress.org/Managing_Plugins#Manual_Plugin_Installation


There are no reviews for this plugin.


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  • First release.