תוסף זה לא נבדק ב-3 הגרסאות הראשיות האחרונות של וורדפרס. ייתכן והתוסף כבר לא מתוחזק או נתמך על ידי יוצריו, וייתכן שיהיו לו בעיות תאימות בגרסות וורדפרס עדכניות יותר.

Dadevarzan Common for Woocommerce


Dadevarzan custom shortcodes and common functionalites for Woocommerce.

  • Displaying Woocommerce Product Gallery images
    [dv_wc_product_images count='1' size='medium']

  • Displaying Woocommerce sorting product selectbox

  • Displaying Woocommerce variation swatches based on Variation Swatches for WooCommerce,
    [dv_wc_product_variation_swatches term='ATTRIBUTE-SLUG' type='color|image|button']

  • Displaying Attribute Table outside of default WooCommerce tabs

  • Displaying Product Review outside of default WooCommerce tabs

  • Displaying Woocommerce Compaire based on WPC Smart Compare for WooCommerce,

  • Displaying Woocommerce Wishlist based on WPC Smart Wishlist for WooCommerce,

  • Displaying Woocommerce Product Discount budge if os sales,

  • Displaying Woocommerce stock status based on this article,
    [wpbb-if post:custom_field key='_stock_status' exp='equals' value='outofstock']
    <div class="dv-stock_status dv-outofstock">ناموجود</div>
    <div class="dv-stock_status dv-instock">موجود</div>

  • Added Variation and Swatches to Search & Filter Pro


  1. Install Dadevarzan Common for WooCommerce either via the WordPress.org plugin repository or by uploading the files to your server. (See instructions on how to install a WordPress plugin)
  2. Activate Dadevarzan Common for WooCommerce.


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