This is a beta release. If anything breaks, SORRY! Drop me a note to report a bug.
Avatar allows you to create / edit custom avatars for your users right in the Admin Panel. Uses the same directory structure as BuddyPress,
so your avatars will be sideways-compatible if you have BuddyPress installed. Most of the code in here is inspired-by or a
direct copy of the BuddyPress /change-avatar/ code
Activate the plugin. Make sure your Uploads directory is writable.
actually one cannot use this plugin, because the image quality is worse than bad. even if you try to change the image size to the output size in photoshop before, the plugin forces you to resize and crop it: with REALLY awful output. cannot use that.
The plugin is a perfect tool for those who want to give users the ability to add an avatar or a photo to their profile.
Installation is simple and requires no adjustment. For each user the option of adding a photo directly integrated in each user control panel.
I associate this plugin with the plugin "wp Biographia" is perfect !!!
I use the latest version of WP 4.3.1 – My site is https – I use the plugin for several months and I have no problems.
Thank you for development.
This plugin was working GREAT…until the recent update. Now my picture looks like CRAP!! Really hate when an update screws up. Not great for my site.
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"Avatar" הוא תוסף קוד פתוח. האנשים הבאים תרמו ליצירת התוסף הזה.